
Thursday, January 29, 2015


This photo from the summer perfectly captures the peace and quiet of my home studio that fosters the making of my work. It reminds me of the time I had set aside to work on my surface book, and how great that felt earlier this year.

With the recent move of my ceramic studio to a new building at the beginning of January, I am facing the challenges of setting up my studio to best meet my needs. I have forgotten the little challenges that arise when moving into a new space--and in re-arranging an existing space (I have kept my home-studio for drawing and painting and computer work). I have been working to rewire to make kilns work, finding enough chairs and work tables, drapes for projecting--and even negotiating relationships with my new neighbors (last week I dumped a bucket of water and it went right through my floor onto my downstairs neighbor! Not exactly how I had envisioned meeting her!).

I'm working hard to settle into two new studio spaces with a new making routine in each and at a time when I'm busier and more in demand than ever both with my one of a kind artwork and with my brand. Today, I'm feeling overhwhelmed by all that is going on--but also thankful I have so much choice and so many opportunities in an art career that is supporting me and my family.

I have reached a point where I'm having to pull back from saying "yes" to so much and start advicating for a bit more balance. This is such a scary place to be--saying "no" or "not now" always feels like I'm shutting a door on a great opportunity. Intellectually I understand that my fear of shutting doors on opportunities shouldn't govern my decisions, but in reality it sometimes does. I am going to continue to strive to re-center myself and push aside this fear. While I don't believe true balance is achievable, I do believe that I can start to trust that my business is going to continue to support me and that setting aside enough time for each project I'm working on will result in good work and good designs....wish me luck!

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