Thursday, January 3, 2013

NEW! Update to Makerie Workshop!

The Makerie and I decided to offer a SUPER SPECIAL workshop titled: WORD PLAY this spring in Boulder CO--a workshop I have never had the opportunity to offer until NOW! I will be divulging all of my 2-D design techniques in 2 one-day workshops over April 11-14 at Chataqua in Boulder. You can register as a day-student or come with a full-package including meals. 

There are LIMITED spaces left, please register as soon as possible to guarantee a spot! There will be a special event held at the Boulder Anthropologie store over the course that you will be able to attend as well. Come learn with me about designing and making!


In this one-day workshop we will create inspirational gouache paintings inspired by WORDS. Given the opportunity to teach outside of pottery, I am offering a truly unique workshop that shares my surface design and illustration techniques! 
We will start the morning with a group brainstorming session and move quickly into learning to collage fonts together to create your own inspirational saying using photocopies, tracing paper and projectors. In the afternoon we will return to learn how to transfer your collage to paper using various methods and hand-paint your own inspirational image. This process can be used to make beautiful paintings on everything from paper to fabric (make your own tote bag!), journals to posters and even greeting cards. 
A selection of fonts and additional source imagery will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring their own collection of inspiring fonts, patterns and source imagery for creating their painting.
BONUS: All students will walk away with handouts on how to apply their new skills to the surfaces of ceramics AND glass at home. Not only will step-by-step illustrated instructions be handed out, but material and supply sources will also be shared!

Skill LevelNo experience necessary
Material List 
  • gouache paint: choose brands based on your budget, but please bring a basic set with primary colors (red, yellow, blue), black and white
  • a variety of small watercolor brushes for detailed work, cheap ones are fine, just make sure you have at least one script brush (I suggest sizes 0-3 in pointed rounds)
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • a pencil (mechanical preferred)
  • eraser (I prefer Epure MAPED oval white eraser or something similar)
  • a palette for painting (I use an old white ceramic plate from my kitchen—anything you would use for a watercolor palette will work)
  • an apron and/or painting clothes…optional, but handy
  • a selection of your favorite patterns, images and fonts/sayings to cull from for making your artwork. Bring as much as you can to help keep you inspired! Photocopies and printouts from the web are best as these will likely be cut up/enlarged. 
  • a drawing board with a rubber band or clip for securing your paper. 
  • a selection of paper (some will be provided, I recommend Canson Artist Series Illustration Paper, 150 lb 9x12 inch paper pads)
  • optional: alternative surface for painting on - could be a blank journal or blank cards and envelopes
Material Fee$5 (includes non-wax transfer paper, stylus transfer tool to take home, tracing paper, artist’s tape and handouts)

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