Thursday, July 17, 2008

Take a Course with Molly Hatch!

Starting in September, I will be teaching several ceramic courses throughout New England. You can take both academic and non-academic classes ranging from handbuilding and wheelthrowing techniques to surface decoration.

I will be teaching an eight week course in Hanover at the New Hampshire League of Craftsmen. For the times and listing see their website here.

I will be at Dartmouth College, also in Hanover NH. So if you are attending Dartmouth and need instruction, come on down to the Davidson Studio and I will be there 1-2 afternoons a week going over beginning to advanced techniques.

On Monday evenings for the Fall semester I will be teaching a course titled "Ceramics: The New Canvas" through the Continuing Education Department:

Ceramics: A New Canvas / CER 2043 1
Molly Hatch
M 6:30PM - 9:45PM Building A A005
9/8/2008 - 12/15/2008
CER 2043 C1: 2.00 Credits
CER 2043 N1: 0.00 Credits
Have you ever thought twice about the cup you drink from or the tiles in your bathroom? Ceramics could be your new canvas. This course is an opportunity for students with a love of painting, drawing, and printmaking to apply their concepts and skills to ceramics. You will be introduced to contemporary and historic ceramics through lectures and readings. Students will acquire basic hand-building and surface decoration skills and an understanding of the ceramic process. Open to all skill levels.

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